CodeOntology - Documentation

Access Modifier (OWL Class) Definition In use

An access modifier


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Modifier

In use

This class has individuals such as Default Private Protected Public

Actual Argument (OWL Class) Definition In use

The actual argument of a method


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Expression
This class is a disjoint class of Assignment Expression Executable invocation expression

In use

This class is used in has argument

Annotation (OWL Class) Definition In use

An annotation


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Type
This class is a disjoint class of Array Complex Type Parameterized Type Primitive Type Type Variable Wildcard

In use

This class is used in has annotation is annotation of

Anonymous Class (OWL Class) Definition

An anonymous class


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Class

Array (OWL Class) Definition In use

An array type


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Type
This class is a disjoint class of Annotation Complex Type Parameterized Type Primitive Type Type Variable Wildcard

In use

This class is used in dimensions is array of

Assert Statement (OWL Class) Definition In use

An assert statement


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Statement
This class is a disjoint class of Block Statement Control Flow Statement Declaration statement Expression statement Synchronized Statement Throw Statement Try Statement

In use

This class is used in has assert expression is subexpression of

Assignment Expression (OWL Class) Definition In use

An assignment expression. It involves one of the following operators: =, *=, /=, %=, +=, -=, <<=, >>=, >>>=, &=, ^=, |=


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Expression
This class is a disjoint class of Actual Argument Executable invocation expression

In use

This class is used in has left hand side is left hand side of

Block Statement (OWL Class) Definition In use

A block


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Statement
This class is a super class of Catch Block Finally Block Labeled Block
This class is a disjoint class of Assert Statement Control Flow Statement Declaration statement Expression statement Synchronized Statement Throw Statement Try Statement

In use

This class is used in end line has body is body of

Branching Statement (OWL Class) Definition

A branching statement, namely a break statement, a continue statement or a return statement


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Control Flow Statement
This class is a super class of Break Statement Continue Statement Return Statement
This class is a disjoint class of Decision Making Statement Loop Statement

Break Statement (OWL Class) Definition

The BreakStatement class represents a break statement. The break statement has two forms: labeled and unlabeled. In case a break statement is labeled, the label is defined through the targetedLabel property


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Branching Statement
This class is a disjoint class of Continue Statement Return Statement

Case Labeled Block (OWL Class) Definition

A case-labeled list of statements


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Labeled Block

Catch Block (OWL Class) Definition In use

A catch block


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Block Statement
This class is a disjoint class of Finally Block Labeled Block

Class (OWL Class) Definition In use

A class


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Complex Type
This class is a super class of Anonymous Class
This class is a disjoint class of Enum Interface

Class Declaration Statement (OWL Class) Definition

A statement that corresponds to the declaration of a local class


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Declaration statement
This class is a disjoint class of Variable Declaration

Class Instance Creation Expression (OWL Class) Definition

An expression that creates a class instance, in other words a constructor call


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Executable invocation expression
This class is a disjoint class of Method Invocation Expression

Code Element (OWL Class) Definition In use

A generic element in source code


The URI of this class is

This class is a super class of Executable Expression Modifiable Modifier Package Statement Type Type Argument Variable
This class is a disjoint class of Library Project

Complex Type (OWL Class) Definition In use

A class or an enumeration or an interface


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Modifiable Type
This class is a super class of Class Enum Interface
This class is a disjoint class of Annotation Array Parameterized Type Primitive Type Type Variable Wildcard

Constructor (OWL Class) Definition In use

A constructor of a Class


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Executable
This class is a disjoint class of Method

In use

This class is used in has constructor is constructor of

Continue Statement (OWL Class) Definition

A continue statement


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Branching Statement
This class is a disjoint class of Break Statement Return Statement

Control Flow Statement (OWL Class) Definition

A control flow statement, that is a statement that regulates the order in which statements are executed. Control Flow Statements break up the flow of execution by employing decision making, looping, or branching.


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Statement
This class is a super class of Branching Statement Decision Making Statement Loop Statement
This class is a disjoint class of Assert Statement Block Statement Declaration statement Expression statement Synchronized Statement Throw Statement Try Statement

Decision Making Statement (OWL Class) Definition

A Decision Making Statement, that is a statement that break up the flow of execution by employing decision making. It can either be a if-then-else statement or a switch statement.


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Control Flow Statement
This class is a super class of If-then-else statement Switch Statement
This class is a disjoint class of Branching Statement Loop Statement

Declaration statement (OWL Class) Definition

A statement that holds a declaration


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Statement
This class is a super class of Class Declaration Statement Variable Declaration
This class is a disjoint class of Assert Statement Block Statement Control Flow Statement Expression statement Synchronized Statement Throw Statement Try Statement

Default Labeled Block (OWL Class) Definition

A default-labeled block


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Labeled Block

Do Statement (OWL Class) Definition

A do-while statement


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Loop Statement
This class is a disjoint class of For Statement ForEach Statement While Statement

Enum (OWL Class) Definition

An enumeration


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Complex Type
This class is a disjoint class of Class Interface

Executable (OWL Class) Definition In use

An executable block of code, namely a Method or a Constructor


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Code Element Modifiable
This class is a super class of Constructor Method
This class is a disjoint class of Expression Modifier Package Statement Type Type Argument Variable

Executable invocation expression (OWL Class) Definition In use

An invocation of either a method or a constructor.


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Expression
This class is a super class of Class Instance Creation Expression Method Invocation Expression
This class is a disjoint class of Actual Argument Assignment Expression

In use

This class is used in has argument invokes

Expression statement (OWL Class) Definition

An expression statement. that is a statement that wraps an expression


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Statement
This class is a disjoint class of Assert Statement Block Statement Control Flow Statement Declaration statement Synchronized Statement Throw Statement Try Statement

Field (OWL Class) Definition In use

A class field


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Modifiable Variable
This class is a disjoint class of Local Variable Parameter

In use

This class is used in has field is field of

Field Declaration (OWL Class) Definition

The declaration of a field


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Variable Declaration
This class is a disjoint class of Local Variable Declaration Statement

Finally Block (OWL Class) Definition In use

A finally block


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Block Statement
This class is a disjoint class of Catch Block Labeled Block

In use

This class is used in has finally clause is finally clause of

For Statement (OWL Class) Definition In use

A for statement


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Loop Statement
This class is a disjoint class of Do Statement ForEach Statement While Statement

ForEach Statement (OWL Class) Definition In use

A for-each statement, also known as enhanced for statement


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Loop Statement
This class is a disjoint class of Do Statement For Statement While Statement

In use

This class is used in has variable

Gradle Project (OWL Class) Definition

A gradle project


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Project

If-then-else statement (OWL Class) Definition In use

A If-then-else statement


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Decision Making Statement
This class is a disjoint class of Switch Statement

Interface (OWL Class) Definition In use

An interface


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Complex Type
This class is a disjoint class of Class Enum

In use

This class is used in implements is implemented by

Labeled Block (OWL Class) Definition In use

A labeled block of code, namely a case-labeled block or a default-labeled block


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Block Statement
This class is a super class of Case Labeled Block Default Labeled Block
This class is a disjoint class of Catch Block Finally Block

In use

This class is used in has switch label is switch label of

Library (OWL Class) Definition In use

A library


The URI of this class is

This class is a disjoint class of Code Element Project

In use

This class is used in has dependency is dependency of

Local Variable (OWL Class) Definition In use

A local variable


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Variable
This class is a disjoint class of Field Parameter

In use

This class is used in has resource has variable

Local Variable Declaration Statement (OWL Class) Definition

A local variable declaration


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Variable Declaration
This class is a disjoint class of Field Declaration

Loop Statement (OWL Class) Definition

A loop statement.


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Control Flow Statement
This class is a super class of Do Statement For Statement ForEach Statement While Statement
This class is a disjoint class of Branching Statement Decision Making Statement

Maven Project (OWL Class) Definition

A maven project


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Project

Method (OWL Class) Definition In use

A Method


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Executable
This class is a disjoint class of Constructor

Method Invocation Expression (OWL Class) Definition In use

A method call


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Executable invocation expression
This class is a disjoint class of Class Instance Creation Expression

In use

This class is used in has target is target of

Modifiable (OWL Class) Definition In use

An element that can have a modifier


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Code Element
This class is a super class of Complex Type Executable Field

In use

This class is used in has modifier is modifier of

Modifier (OWL Class) Definition In use

A modifier


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Code Element
This class is a super class of Access Modifier
This class is a disjoint class of Executable Expression Package Statement Type Type Argument Variable

In use

This class is used in has modifier is modifier of
This class has individuals such as Abstract Final Static Synchronized Volatile

Package (OWL Class) Definition In use

A Package


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Code Element
This class is a disjoint class of Executable Expression Modifier Statement Type Type Argument Variable

Parameter (OWL Class) Definition In use

A formal parameter


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Variable
This class is a disjoint class of Field Local Variable

In use

This class is used in has parameter is parameter of

Parameterized Type (OWL Class) Definition In use

A parameterized type is a particular parameterization of a generic type denoted by a specified list of type arguments


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Type
This class is a disjoint class of Annotation Array Complex Type Primitive Type Type Variable Wildcard

In use

This class is used in has actual type argument has generic type

Primitive Type (OWL Class) Definition In use

A primitive type


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Type
This class is a disjoint class of Annotation Array Complex Type Parameterized Type Type Variable Wildcard

In use

This class has individuals such as Boolean Byte Char Double Float Int Long Short

Project (OWL Class) Definition In use

A project


The URI of this class is

This class is a super class of Gradle Project Maven Project
This class is a disjoint class of Code Element Library

Return Statement (OWL Class) Definition In use

A return statement


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Branching Statement
This class is a disjoint class of Break Statement Continue Statement

Statement (OWL Class) Definition In use

A generic statement


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Code Element
This class is a super class of Assert Statement Block Statement Control Flow Statement Declaration statement Expression statement Synchronized Statement Throw Statement Try Statement
This class is a disjoint class of Executable Expression Modifier Package Type Type Argument Variable

Switch Statement (OWL Class) Definition In use

A switch statement


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Decision Making Statement
This class is a disjoint class of If-then-else statement

In use

This class is used in has switch label is switch label of

Synchronized Statement (OWL Class) Definition

A synchronized statement, that is a statement that acquires a mutual-exclusion lock on behalf of the executiing-thread, executes a block, then release the lock. In java it is of the form: synchronized <Expression> <Block>


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Statement
This class is a disjoint class of Assert Statement Block Statement Control Flow Statement Declaration statement Expression statement Throw Statement Try Statement

Throw Statement (OWL Class) Definition In use

A throw statement, that is a statement that causes an exception to be thrown


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Statement
This class is a disjoint class of Assert Statement Block Statement Control Flow Statement Declaration statement Expression statement Synchronized Statement Try Statement

Try Statement (OWL Class) Definition In use

A try statement


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Statement
This class is a disjoint class of Assert Statement Block Statement Control Flow Statement Declaration statement Expression statement Synchronized Statement Throw Statement

Type (OWL Class) Definition In use

A type


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Code Element
This class is a super class of Annotation Array Complex Type Parameterized Type Primitive Type Type Variable Wildcard
This class is a disjoint class of Executable Expression Modifier Package Statement Type Argument Variable

Type Argument (OWL Class) Definition In use

This class defines the actual type argument of a parameterized type


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Code Element
This class is a disjoint class of Executable Expression Modifier Package Statement Type Variable

In use

This class is used in has actual type argument

Type Variable (OWL Class) Definition In use

A type variable is an unqualified identifier used as a type. It is introduced by the declaration of a generic class, interface, method, or constructor


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Type
This class is a disjoint class of Annotation Array Complex Type Parameterized Type Primitive Type Wildcard

In use

This class is used in has formal type parameter

Variable (OWL Class) Definition In use

A variable


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Code Element
This class is a super class of Field Local Variable Parameter
This class is a disjoint class of Executable Expression Modifier Package Statement Type Type Argument

In use

This class is used in has declaration is returned by returns

Variable Declaration (OWL Class) Definition In use

A statement that represents the declaration of a variable


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Declaration statement
This class is a super class of Field Declaration Local Variable Declaration Statement
This class is a disjoint class of Class Declaration Statement

While Statement (OWL Class) Definition

A while statement


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Loop Statement
This class is a disjoint class of Do Statement For Statement ForEach Statement

Wildcard (OWL Class) Definition In use

A wildcard


The URI of this class is

This class is a sub class of Type
This class is a disjoint class of Annotation Array Complex Type Parameterized Type Primitive Type Type Variable

In use

This class is used in has super bound

build file (Property) datatype property functional property Definition

Links a project to the content of its build file.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, data property.

The domain of this property is Project
The range of this property is xsd:string

constructs (Property) object property Definition

The constructs property relates an executable to the classes it constructs.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

This property is a inverse property of is constructed by
The domain of this property is Executable
The range of this property is Class
This property is a sub property of references

declares (Property) object property inverse functional property Definition

The declares property relates a code element to the elements it declares. For instance, a class is linked to its fields, methods and constructors.


The URI of this property is

This property is a inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of is declared by
The domain of this property is Code Element
The range of this property is Code Element
This property is a sub property of has Part
This property is a super property of has constructor has field has method is package of

dimensions (Property) datatype property functional property Definition

Links an array to the number of its dimensions. As an example, an array of type "int[][][]" has a dimensions count of 3


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, data property.

The domain of this property is Array
The range of this property is xsd:int

end line (Property) datatype property functional property Definition

Links a statement to the number of the last line it covers


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, data property.

The domain of this property is Block Statement
The range of this property is xsd:int

extends (Property) object property functional property Definition

The extends property relates a class, an interface, a type variable or a wildacard to the types it extends.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of has subclass
The complex domain of this property is the union of Class Interface Type Variable Wildcard
This property is a sub property of specializes

generalizes (Property) object property Definition

No description available info


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

This property is a super property of has subclass has super bound is implemented by is overridden by

has actual type argument (Property) object property Definition

The hasActualTypeArgument property relates a parameterized type to each of its actual type arguments


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Parameterized Type
The range of this property is Type Argument

has annotation (Property) object property Definition

The hasAnnotation property relates a code element to its annotations


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

This property is a inverse property of is annotation of
The domain of this property is Code Element
The range of this property is Annotation

has argument (Property) object property Definition

The hasArgument property relates an executable invocation to each of its actual arguments.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Executable invocation expression
The range of this property is Actual Argument

has assert expression (Property) object property functional property inverse functional property Definition

The hasAssertExpression property relates an assert statement to the boolean expression asserted to be true


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of is subexpression of
The domain of this property is Assert Statement
The range of this property is Expression
This property is a sub property of has subexpression

has body (Property) object property functional property inverse functional property Definition

The hasBody property relates an executable or a statement to its body.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of is body of
The complex domain of this property is the union of Executable Loop Statement Try Statement
The range of this property is Block Statement
This property is a sub property of has substatement

has canonical name (Property) datatype property Definition

Links a class, enum or interface to its canonical name. For instance, the class Java.lang.String is linked to the string "java.lang.string"


The URI of this property is

This property is a data property.

The domain of this property is Complex Type
The range of this property is xsd:string
This property is a sub property of name

has catch clause (Property) object property inverse functional property Definition

The hasCatchClause property relates a try statement to the relative catch clauses.


The URI of this property is

This property is a inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of is catch clause of
The domain of this property is Try Statement
The range of this property is Catch Block
This property is a sub property of has substatement

has catch formal parameter (Property) object property Definition

The hasCatchFormalParameter property relates a catch clause to its formal parameters, namely the throwable objects it caughts


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Catch Block
The range of this property is Class

has condition (Property) object property functional property inverse functional property Definition

The hasCondition property specifies a condition for a statement to be executed.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of is condition of
The complex domain of this property is the union of Do Statement For Statement If-then-else statement While Statement
The range of this property is Expression
This property is a sub property of has subexpression

has constructor (Property) object property inverse functional property Definition

The hasConstructor property relates a class to its constructors.


The URI of this property is

This property is a inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of is constructor of
The complex domain of this property is the union of Class Enum
The range of this property is Constructor
This property is a sub property of declares

has declaration (Property) object property functional property Definition

The hasDeclaration property relates a variable to the statement it was declared by.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, object property.

The domain of this property is Variable
The range of this property is Variable Declaration

has dependency (Property) object property Definition

The hasDependency property relates a project to its dependencies.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

This property is a inverse property of is dependency of
The domain of this property is Project
The range of this property is Library

has else branch (Property) object property functional property inverse functional property Definition

The hasElseBranch property relates a if-then-else statement to the statement in the else branch.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of is else branch of
The domain of this property is If-then-else statement
The range of this property is Statement
This property is a sub property of has substatement

has field (Property) object property inverse functional property Definition

The hasField property relates a class to its fields


The URI of this property is

This property is a inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of is field of
The domain of this property is Complex Type
The range of this property is Field
This property is a sub property of declares

has finally clause (Property) object property functional property inverse functional property Definition

The hasFinallyClause property relates a try statemet to its finally clause.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of is finally clause of
The domain of this property is Try Statement
The range of this property is Finally Block
This property is a sub property of has substatement

has for init (Property) object property inverse functional property Definition

The hasForInit property relates a basic for statement to each statement expression executed as initialization code, before the first iteration step is performed


The URI of this property is

This property is a inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of is for init of
The domain of this property is For Statement
The range of this property is Expression
This property is a sub property of has subexpression

has for update (Property) object property inverse functional property Definition

The hasForUpdate property relates a basic for statement to each expression evaluated as update code at the end of every iteration


The URI of this property is

This property is a inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of is for update of
The domain of this property is For Statement
The range of this property is Expression
This property is a sub property of has subexpression

has formal type parameter (Property) object property Definition

The hasFormalTypeParameter property relates a class, an interface, an enumeration, a constructor or a method to the formal type parameters it declares


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The complex domain of this property is the union of Class Enum Executable Interface
The range of this property is Type Variable

has generic type (Property) object property functional property Definition

The hasGenericType property relates a parameterized type to the generic type it is a parameterization of


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, object property.

The domain of this property is Parameterized Type
The complex range of this property is the union of Class Interface Type Variable Wildcard

has initializer (Property) object property functional property inverse functional property Definition

The hasInitializer property relates a variable declaration to the expression assigned to the declared variable


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of is initializer of
The domain of this property is Variable Declaration
The range of this property is Expression
This property is a sub property of has subexpression

has left hand side (Property) object property functional property inverse functional property Definition

The hasLeftHandSide property relates a assignement expression to the left hand side expression it contains


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of is left hand side of
The domain of this property is Assignment Expression
The range of this property is Expression
This property is a sub property of has subexpression

has method (Property) object property inverse functional property Definition

The ihasMehtod property relates a class to its methods.


The URI of this property is

This property is a inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of is method of
The domain of this property is Complex Type
The range of this property is Method
This property is a sub property of declares

has modifier (Property) object property Definition

The hasGenericType property relates a modifiable element to its modifiers


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

This property is a inverse property of is modifier of
The domain of this property is Modifiable
The range of this property is Modifier

has package (Property) object property functional property Definition

The hasPackage property relates a class, interface, enum or annotation to the package it is declared by.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of is package of
The complex domain of this property is the union of Annotation Complex Type
The range of this property is Package
This property is a sub property of is declared by

has parameter (Property) object property inverse functional property Definition

The hasParameter property relates a constructor or a method to the formal parameters it declares


The URI of this property is

This property is a inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of is parameter of
The domain of this property is Executable
The range of this property is Parameter

has Part (Property) object property Definition

No description available info


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

This property is a super property of declares has subexpression has subproject has substatement is project of

has previous statement (Property) object property functional property inverse functional property Definition

The hasPreviousStatement property relates a statement to the previous one.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of next
The domain of this property is Statement
The range of this property is Statement
This property is a sub property of previous

has project (Property) object property functional property Definition

The hasProject property relates a package to the project it belongs to.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of is project of
The domain of this property is Package
The range of this property is Project
This property is a sub property of is Part Of

has resource (Property) object property Definition

The hasResource property relates a try statement to each local variable declared to act as resource for the try statement


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Try Statement
The range of this property is Local Variable

has return type (Property) object property functional property Definition

The hasReturnType property relates a method to its return type.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of is return type of
The domain of this property is Method
The range of this property is Type
This property is a sub property of has type

has returned expression (Property) object property functional property inverse functional property Definition

The hasReturnedExpression property relates a return statement to the returned expression


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of is returned expression of
The domain of this property is Return Statement
The range of this property is Expression
This property is a sub property of has subexpression

has simple name (Property) datatype property Definition

Links a class, enum or interface to its simple name. For instance, the simple name of the class java.lang.String is "String"


The URI of this property is

This property is a data property.

The domain of this property is Complex Type
The range of this property is xsd:string
This property is a sub property of name

has subclass (Property) object property inverse functional property Definition

The hasSubClass property relates a class to its direct sub-classes


The URI of this property is

This property is a inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of extends
The complex domain of this property is the union of Class Interface Type Variable Wildcard
The complex range of this property is the union of Annotation Complex Type
This property is a sub property of generalizes

has subexpression (Property) object property inverse functional property Definition

The hasSubExpression property relates a statement or expression to the expressions it contains.


The URI of this property is

This property is a inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of is subexpression of
The complex domain of this property is the union of Expression Statement
The range of this property is Expression
This property is a sub property of has Part
This property is a super property of has assert expression has condition has for init has for update has initializer has left hand side has returned expression has target has thrown expression

has subproject (Property) object property inverse functional property Definition

The hasSubProject property relates a project to its subprojects


The URI of this property is

This property is a inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of is subproject of
The domain of this property is Project
The range of this property is Project
This property is a sub property of has Part

has substatement (Property) object property inverse functional property Definition

The hasSubStatement property relates a statment to its sub-statements.


The URI of this property is

This property is a inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of is substatement of
The complex domain of this property is the union of Executable Statement
The range of this property is Statement
This property is a sub property of has Part
This property is a super property of has body has catch clause has else branch has finally clause has switch label has then branch

has super bound (Property) object property Definition

The hasSuperBound property relates a lower bounded wildcard to its bouds.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Wildcard
The complex range of this property is the union of Class Interface Parameterized Type Type Variable
This property is a sub property of generalizes

has switch label (Property) object property inverse functional property Definition

The hasSwitchLabel property relates a switch statement to its cases.


The URI of this property is

This property is a inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of is switch label of
The domain of this property is Switch Statement
The range of this property is Labeled Block
This property is a sub property of has substatement

has target (Property) object property functional property inverse functional property Definition

The hasTarget property relates a method invocation expression to its target.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of is target of
The domain of this property is Method Invocation Expression
The range of this property is Expression
This property is a sub property of has subexpression

has then branch (Property) object property functional property inverse functional property Definition

The hasThenBranch property relates a if-then-else statement to the statement declared in the "then" branch


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of is then branch of
The domain of this property is If-then-else statement
The range of this property is Statement
This property is a sub property of has substatement

has thrown expression (Property) object property functional property inverse functional property Definition

The hasThrownExpression property relates a thrown statement to the expression it throws


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of is thrown expression of
The domain of this property is Throw Statement
The range of this property is Expression
This property is a sub property of has subexpression

has type (Property) object property functional property Definition

The hasType property relates an expression, a variable or a method to its type.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of is type of
The complex domain of this property is the union of Expression Method Variable
The range of this property is Type
This property is a super property of has return type

has variable (Property) object property functional property inverse functional property Definition

The hasVariable property relates a for-each statement to the local variable it declares.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, inverse functional, object property.

The domain of this property is ForEach Statement
The range of this property is Local Variable

implements (Property) object property Definition

The implements property relates a class to each implemented interface.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

This property is a inverse property of is implemented by
The domain of this property is Class
The range of this property is Interface
This property is a sub property of specializes

invokes (Property) object property functional property Definition

The invokes property relates a invocation expression to the invoked executable.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, object property.

The domain of this property is Executable invocation expression
The range of this property is Executable

is annotation of (Property) object property Definition

The isAnnotationOf property relates an annotation to the annotated code element.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

This property is a inverse property of has annotation
The domain of this property is Annotation
The range of this property is Code Element

is array of (Property) object property Definition

The isArrayOf property relates an arrray to the type of its elements at the finest grain. For instance, an array of type "int[][][]" is linked to the type "int". The number of dimensions of the array is specified by the dimensions property.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

The domain of this property is Array
The range of this property is Type

is body of (Property) object property functional property inverse functional property Definition

The isBodyOf property relates a block to the exexcutable or statement it is the body of.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of has body
The domain of this property is Block Statement
The complex range of this property is the union of Executable Loop Statement Try Statement
This property is a sub property of is substatement of

is catch clause of (Property) object property functional property Definition

The isCatchClauseOf property relates a catch clause to the corresponding try statement.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of has catch clause
The domain of this property is Catch Block
The range of this property is Try Statement
This property is a sub property of is substatement of

is condition of (Property) object property functional property inverse functional property Definition

The isConditionOf property relates a if-then-else statement or a loop to its condition.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of has condition
The domain of this property is Expression
The complex range of this property is the union of Do Statement For Statement If-then-else statement While Statement
This property is a sub property of is subexpression of

is constructed by (Property) object property Definition

The isConstructedBy property relates a class to the executables that instantiates objects of that class.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

This property is a inverse property of constructs
The domain of this property is Class
The range of this property is Executable
This property is a sub property of is referenced by

is constructor of (Property) object property functional property Definition

The isConstructorOf property relates a constructor to the class it is declared by.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of has constructor
The domain of this property is Constructor
The complex range of this property is the union of Class Enum
This property is a sub property of is declared by

is declared by (Property) object property functional property Definition

The isDeclaredBy property relates a code element to the element it is declared by.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of declares
The domain of this property is Code Element
The range of this property is Code Element
This property is a sub property of is Part Of
This property is a super property of has package is constructor of is field of is method of

is dependency of (Property) object property Definition

The isDependencyOf property relates a library to the projects that depend on this library.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

This property is a inverse property of has dependency
The domain of this property is Library
The range of this property is Project

is else branch of (Property) object property functional property inverse functional property Definition

The isElseBranchOf property relates the statement in an else branch to the corresponding If-then-else statement


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of has else branch
The domain of this property is Statement
The range of this property is If-then-else statement
This property is a sub property of is substatement of

is field of (Property) object property functional property Definition

The isFieldOf property relates a field to the class, interface or enum it is declared by.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of has field
The domain of this property is Field
The range of this property is Complex Type
This property is a sub property of is declared by

is finally clause of (Property) object property functional property inverse functional property Definition

The isFinallyClauseOf property relates the statement enclosed in a finally clause to the corresponding try statement.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of has finally clause
The domain of this property is Finally Block
The range of this property is Try Statement
This property is a sub property of is substatement of

is for init of (Property) object property functional property Definition

The isForInitOf property relates an expression executed as initialization code of a basic for statement to the relative for statement.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of has for init
The domain of this property is Expression
The range of this property is For Statement
This property is a sub property of is subexpression of

is for update of (Property) object property functional property Definition

The isForUpdateOf property relates an expression evaluated as update code of a for statement at the end of every iteration, to the corresponding for statement.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of has for update
The domain of this property is Expression
The range of this property is For Statement
This property is a sub property of is subexpression of

is implemented by (Property) object property Definition

The isImplementedBy property relates an interface to the classes implementig that interface


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

This property is a inverse property of implements
The domain of this property is Interface
The range of this property is Class
This property is a sub property of generalizes

is initializer of (Property) object property functional property inverse functional property Definition

The isInitializerOf property relates an expression used to initialize a variable, to the statement it is contained in.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of has initializer
The domain of this property is Expression
The range of this property is Variable Declaration
This property is a sub property of is subexpression of

is left hand side of (Property) object property functional property inverse functional property Definition

The isLeftHandSideOf property relates an expression that is used as left hand side expression of an assignemnt, to the corresponding assignment expression


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of has left hand side
The domain of this property is Expression
The range of this property is Assignment Expression
This property is a sub property of is subexpression of

is method of (Property) object property functional property Definition

The isMethodOf property relates a method to the class, enum or interface it is declared by.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of has method
The domain of this property is Method
The range of this property is Complex Type
This property is a sub property of is declared by

is modifier of (Property) object property Definition

The isModifierOf property relates a modifier to the corresponding modifiable element.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

This property is a inverse property of has modifier
The domain of this property is Modifier
The range of this property is Modifiable

is overridden by (Property) object property inverse functional property Definition

The isOverridenBy property relates a method to the ones it is overridden by.


The URI of this property is

This property is a inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of overrides
The domain of this property is Method
The range of this property is Method
This property is a sub property of generalizes

is package of (Property) object property inverse functional property Definition

The isPackageOf property relates a package to the types it declares.


The URI of this property is

This property is a inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of has package
The domain of this property is Package
The complex range of this property is the union of Annotation Complex Type
This property is a sub property of declares

is parameter of (Property) object property inverse functional property Definition

The isParameterOf property relates a parameter to the corresponding executable.


The URI of this property is

This property is a inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of has parameter
The domain of this property is Parameter
The range of this property is Executable

is Part Of (Property) object property Definition

No description available info


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

This property is a super property of has project is declared by is subexpression of is subproject of is substatement of

is project of (Property) object property inverse functional property Definition

The isProjectOf property relates a project to the packages it contains.


The URI of this property is

This property is a inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of has project
The domain of this property is Project
The range of this property is Package
This property is a sub property of has Part

is referenced by (Property) object property Definition

The isReferencedBy property relates a code element to the elements it is referenced by.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

This property is a inverse property of references
The domain of this property is Code Element
The range of this property is Code Element
This property is a super property of is constructed by is thrown by

is return type of (Property) object property inverse functional property Definition

The isReturnTypeOf property relates a type to the methods that return objects of that type.


The URI of this property is

This property is a inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of has return type
The domain of this property is Type
The range of this property is Method
This property is a sub property of is type of

is returned by (Property) object property inverse functional property Definition

The isReturnedBy property relates a variable to the methods that return that variable.


The URI of this property is

This property is a inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of returns
The domain of this property is Variable
The range of this property is Method

is returned expression of (Property) object property functional property inverse functional property Definition

The isReturnedExpressionOf property relates an expression returned by a method to the return statement it is contained in.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of has returned expression
The domain of this property is Expression
The range of this property is Return Statement
This property is a sub property of is subexpression of

is subexpression of (Property) object property functional property inverse functional property Definition

The isAssertExpressionOf property relates a boolean expression to the assert statement it is contained in.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of has assert expression
The domain of this property is Expression
The range of this property is Assert Statement
This property is a sub property of is subexpression of

is subexpression of (Property) object property functional property Definition

The isSubExpressionOf property relates an expression to its parent expression.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of has subexpression
The domain of this property is Expression
The complex range of this property is the union of Expression Statement
This property is a sub property of is Part Of
This property is a super property of is condition of is for init of is for update of is initializer of is left hand side of is returned expression of is subexpression of is target of is thrown expression of

is subproject of (Property) object property functional property Definition

The isSubProjectOf property relates a project to its parent project.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of has subproject
The domain of this property is Project
The range of this property is Project
This property is a sub property of is Part Of

is substatement of (Property) object property Definition

The isSubStatementOf property relates a statement to the method, constructor or statement it is contained in.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

This property is a inverse property of has substatement
The domain of this property is Statement
The complex range of this property is the union of Executable Statement
This property is a sub property of is Part Of
This property is a super property of is body of is catch clause of is else branch of is finally clause of is switch label of is then branch of

is switch label of (Property) object property functional property Definition

The isSwitchLabelOf property relates a case labeled block or a default block to the corresponding switch statement.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of has switch label
The domain of this property is Labeled Block
The range of this property is Switch Statement
This property is a sub property of is substatement of

is target of (Property) object property functional property inverse functional property Definition

The isTargetOf property relates an expression used as target of a method invocation, to the corresponding method invocation.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of has target
The domain of this property is Expression
The range of this property is Method Invocation Expression
This property is a sub property of is subexpression of

is then branch of (Property) object property functional property inverse functional property Definition

The isThenBranchOf property relates a statement enclosed in a then branch to the corresponding If-then-else statement


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of has then branch
The domain of this property is Statement
The range of this property is If-then-else statement
This property is a sub property of is substatement of

is thrown by (Property) object property Definition

The isThrownBy property relates an exception to the executables it is thrown by.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

This property is a inverse property of throws
The domain of this property is Class
The range of this property is Executable
This property is a sub property of is referenced by

is thrown expression of (Property) object property functional property inverse functional property Definition

The isThrownExpressionOf property relates a thrown expression, to the throw statement it is contained in.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of has thrown expression
The domain of this property is Expression
The range of this property is Throw Statement
This property is a sub property of is subexpression of

is type of (Property) object property inverse functional property Definition

The isTypeOf property relates a type to the elements of that type.


The URI of this property is

This property is a inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of has type
The domain of this property is Type
The complex range of this property is the union of Expression Method Variable
This property is a super property of is return type of

is var args (Property) datatype property functional property Definition

True if an executable accepts a variable number of parameters, false otherwise


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, data property.

The domain of this property is Executable
The range of this property is xsd:boolean

label (Property) datatype property functional property Definition

Links a labeled statement to its label


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, data property.

The domain of this property is Statement
The range of this property is xsd:string

line (Property) datatype property functional property Definition

Links a statement to the line it starts in


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, data property.

The complex domain of this property is the union of Expression Statement
The range of this property is xsd:int

name (Property) datatype property functional property Definition

Links a element to its name


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, data property.

The complex domain of this property is the union of Code Element Library Project
The range of this property is xsd:string
This property is a super property of has canonical name has simple name

next (Property) object property functional property inverse functional property Definition

The hasNextStatement property relates a statement to the next statement to be executed.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, inverse functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of has previous statement
The domain of this property is Statement
The range of this property is Statement
This property is a sub property of next

next (Property) object property Definition

No description available info


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

This property is a super property of next

overrides (Property) object property functional property Definition

The overrides property relates a method to the method it overrides.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of is overridden by
The domain of this property is Method
The range of this property is Method
This property is a sub property of specializes

position (Property) datatype property functional property Definition

Links a element to its position


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, data property.

The domain of this property is Code Element
The range of this property is xsd:int

previous (Property) object property Definition

No description available info


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

This property is a super property of has previous statement

references (Property) object property Definition

The references property relates a method or a constructor to the types, methods, constructors and fields it references.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

This property is a inverse property of is referenced by
The domain of this property is Code Element
The range of this property is Code Element
This property is a super property of constructs throws

returns (Property) object property functional property Definition

The returns property relates a method to the variable it returns, if any.


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, object property.

This property is a inverse property of is returned by
The domain of this property is Method
The range of this property is Variable

source code (Property) datatype property functional property Definition

Links a element to its source code


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, data property.

The domain of this property is Code Element
The range of this property is xsd:string

specializes (Property) object property Definition

No description available info


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

This property is a super property of extends implements overrides

targeted label (Property) datatype property functional property Definition

Links a break statement or a continue statement to the label it targets, if any


The URI of this property is

This property is a functional, data property.

The complex domain of this property is the union of Break Statement Continue Statement
The range of this property is xsd:string

throws (Property) object property Definition

The throws property relates a method or a constructor to the exceptions it declares to throw.


The URI of this property is

This property is a object property.

This property is a inverse property of is thrown by
The domain of this property is Executable
The range of this property is Class
This property is a sub property of references

Abstract (Individual) Definition

The abstract modifier


The URI of this individual is Parrot

${uri} rdf:first Abstract

Boolean (Individual) Definition

The boolean type


The URI of this individual is Parrot

${uri} rdf:first Boolean

Byte (Individual) Definition

The byte type


The URI of this individual is Parrot

${uri} rdf:first Byte

Char (Individual) Definition

The char type


The URI of this individual is Parrot

${uri} rdf:first Char

Default (Individual) Definition

The default modifier


The URI of this individual is Parrot

${uri} rdf:first Default

Double (Individual) Definition

The double type


The URI of this individual is Parrot

${uri} rdf:first Double

Final (Individual) Definition

The final modifier


The URI of this individual is Parrot

${uri} rdf:first Final

Float (Individual) Definition

The float type


The URI of this individual is Parrot

${uri} rdf:first Float

Int (Individual) Definition

The int type


The URI of this individual is Parrot

${uri} rdf:first Int

Long (Individual) Definition

The long type


The URI of this individual is Parrot

${uri} rdf:first Long

Private (Individual) Definition

The private modifier


The URI of this individual is Parrot

${uri} rdf:first Private

Protected (Individual) Definition

The protected modifier


The URI of this individual is Parrot

${uri} rdf:first Protected

Public (Individual) Definition

The public modifier


The URI of this individual is Parrot

${uri} rdf:first Public

Short (Individual) Definition

The short type


The URI of this individual is Parrot

${uri} rdf:first Short

Static (Individual) Definition

The static modifier


The URI of this individual is Parrot

${uri} rdf:first Static

Synchronized (Individual) Definition

The synchronized modifier


The URI of this individual is Parrot

${uri} rdf:first Synchronized

Volatile (Individual) Definition

The volatile modifier


The URI of this individual is Parrot

${uri} rdf:first Volatile

This report has been generated using Parrot.